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New dimensions: Even in difficult implant situations, the Klinik Professor Sailer achieves outstanding results, which significantly improve quality of life and aesthetics.

Tooth implants – the comfortable dental prosthesis solution after tooth loss

Implants are artificial tooth roots to which crowns and bridges are attached, but which also stabilise as removable dentures.

During the healing period of the implant, a temporary measure must usually be created. This can be an adhesive bridge or temporary partial prosthesis – completely independently of this, traditional clasp or model cast dentures have been consigned to history at the Klinik Professor Sailer. We provide our patients with bio-compatible materials which are also well-tolerated by patients with allergies.

Bone augmentation, jaw ridge enhancement

If minimal bone substance is available, the jaw bone must be augmented. We use different procedures to stimulate bone growth using the patient’s own bone, bone substitute materials and transpositional flaps. For a harmonious gum appearance, we replace tissue using transplantations and displacement procedures.

Sinus inlays in cases of bone loss

In cases of bone atrophy (bone loss), the jaw bone recedes as a result of tooth loss, meaning that implants cannot be anchored. Using a sinus inlay, bone material is embedded in the maxillary sinus, in order to be able to insert dental implants.

Illustration of the operation technique for a sinus inlay

The demonstration video is only for illustrative purposes.