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  • «My new self assurance
    has changed my life»

    Aesthetic surgery
  • «Before the treatment I was always bullied about my lopsided face»

  • «At last I am happy
    showing my teeth


Attractiveness opens doors

The Klinik Professor Sailer is one of the leading centres of competence in the fields of oral and maxillofacial surgery, reconstructive surgery and disfigurement surgery, sleep apnoea and snoring. Thanks to a technique unique throughout the world, the clinic unites aesthetics and functionality.

Aesthetic surgery

Facelift, nose surgery, browlift, eyelid surgery, chin correction, jawline surgery, double chin removal, wrinkle treatments  More...


Implantology, jaw ridge enhancement, surgical dentistry, bridges, crowns, protheses, functional diagnostics, parodontology More...


Facial feminisation

The face is the mirror of our feelings and, as a non-verbal means of communication, is a very important and sensitive organ. More...

Jaw joints

Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) is a general term for various pathologies and problems of the jaw muscles and joints. More...

Snoring & Sleep Apnoea

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) doesn’t only put a strain on personal relationships, it can also often cause a profound deterioration in your quality of life. More...


There are many different causes of infections in the area of the mouth, jaw and face. More...


Dysgnathia (incorrect bite) is a general term for all abnormalities of the teeth position, jaw and masticatory (chewing) system. More...

Reconstructive surgery

Professor Sailer is one of the world’s most renowned surgeons for reconstructive maxillofacial surgery, which can bring about minor miracles. More...


Our face represents the strongest reflection of our identity. A change caused by a malignant tumour amounts to a loss of identity. More...

Our services in both aesthetic and reconstructive maxillofacial surgery are always performed with the intention of combining and optimising attractiveness and functionality.

I look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you to my clinic.

Professor Hermann F. Sailer